
WMS gives the possibility to its teachers and/or musicians not enrolled as teachers to give workshop being supported, assisted and branded by WMS.

To give a workshop supported by WMS you need:

  • to show a good level of proficiency in music, practical and theoretical
  • to send us a CV and a resume of your work
  • to send us a workshop description (no more than 300 words) including:
    • what it is about (imagine you are talking to somebody who knows nothing about your topic)
    • to whom it is directed (is any level required?)
    • in which language/s you will be holding the workshop
    • min/max number of participants
    • what you would practically need (how much space, PA system, else?)
  • to set the schedule: when during the year (please be specific) and how many hours/days
  • to set a price for participant (the school will negotiate the fee if it goes outside of the average rate)
  • that the teaching methods between teacher and student remain a responsibility of the teacher
  • to hold the ability to issue invoices

We provide:

  • free advertising
  • free assistance during the organizational process which includes advising on:
    • the workshop description
    • the period of the year
    • the best space for the kind of workshop you are proposing
    • anything else which could turn helpful to the good out-coming of the workshop
  • the management of the booking system between participants and teacher and thus we make the direct payment to the teacher
  • possibility to rent our teaching rooms in Helsinki (5% of the overall fee)

For this service we will charge 10% of each participant’s fee which will go to finance the school and the student’s subsidies.

If you agree on the above terms, please fill in the following questionnaire.

After registration we will contact you to advise our decision in regards of the above. If further informations needed please feel free to contact us at the following email address:

The World Music School Helsinki ry disclaims liability for loss or damage of whatever nature and extent resulting directly or indirectly from any use of the resources made available by World Music School Helsinki ry.